Sarah 21st May 2022

More losses this week. A friend in Canada had to say goodbye to his dog Lexi, she was 14 snd his constant companion. I can’t even imagine what he’s going through because however lost I feel without Selene, I have Chris and the kids and now Tipsy to concentrate on, who still need me. Another friend, or at least a previous friend has just had to say goodbye to their beloved cat Patch. She was 16 and still defying all odds. I had the pleasure of knowing Patch for about a year and she was very much a lap cat and enjoyed her comfort. She used to lay on me when I visited and even fell asleep on my overnight bag. She was a great comfort to me when I lost Selene and seeing her was always a highlight of any visit. She was so cute with her tongue hanging out. She used to dribble when she was content and she loved having a sneaky piece of sausage! I will miss her even though I only knew her for a brief time. Again, I can’t imagine how it must feel suddenly being without her after 16 years. My heart aches for my friend and her family even if we no longer get on at present. RIP Patch & Lexi